Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Kroot Carnivore Squads: Are they still viable in the 6th Edition Tau Codex?

"They are fierce indeed these Kroot, and savage. I look upon them and tremble at their ferocity. I can only hope that when the enemy sees them they tremble as I do."
— Por'Vre'Tau'Cho - Water Caste Envoy to Sy'l'Kell prior to the ambush of the 17th Brimlock Dragons

                 Let’s start by examining how the Kroot have changed in the Tau Empire 6th Edition Codex. They begin with dropping the Kroot cost of 1 point per model, and followed through with taking away Strength 4 and 1 Attack.  The recent Codex has also granted the Kroot a 6+ armour save without having to pay for the ridiculously expensive Kroot Shaper, and thankfully they gave the Kroot Rifle AP 5 in close combat.
                Their abilities of Stealth and Move Through Cover maintain the theme that these troops are the scouts and skirmishers of your army, and as such their role hasn’t entirely changed in your Cadre. You can multiply the effectiveness of this role for +1 point per model with Sniper Rounds, giving them the Sniper and Rending special rules which will force your opponent’s vehicles, characters, monstrous creatures, and other heavy targets to respect their distance (or risk getting wounded on a 4+).
                The Acute Sense in Kroot Hounds will make their Outflank role viable with more reliable tactical precision and it’s strongly recommended that any army planning on using Outflank take at least one Kroot Hound.
                While the Krootox has lost a wound, it now has a 6 Toughness, meaning that it can soak some fire and likely be around to return it. The 48” Strength 7 AP 4 Kroot Gun allows them to move and shoot at 48” or double the volley at an impressive 24” (which ironically is the same range as the rest of your Kroot). It is also important to note that taking the Krootox no longer prevents your Kroot from using the Infiltrate special rule. With a Krootox or two in your Carnivore Squad they can effectively counter your competition’s lightly armoured vehicles.
                You’ll read a lot on the Internet whether or not the Kroot Carnivore Squads are worth it, especially now that 6th Edition allows for you to take Allied Armies such as Orks to fill their role. In my personal opinion, however, the Kroot have only gotten better in 6th Edition.

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